
The End Times Revealed

The 14 Years Tribulation Understanding and the Opening of the Books are revealed!

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Jesus Christ

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The book

The Ministry Revealed Book
End Times Revealed like never before

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This Intro Series will guide you into the End Time Revelation hidden within the Gospels

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Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Wow! I thought today would be a great day to have a look through many of the absolute incredible revelations we've been revealed over the past 5.5 years. And my goodness does doing a video like this ever fire me up!!!...

The gospels revealed

The revealing of the Gospels like never before


A short, clear, detailed and shareable INTRO video, on the end time understanding of "Who the Gospels are Speaking to", that so many have been waiting for! I know many were also hoping I could include the 14 year portion in this too. But it's simply impossible to do in 30 minutes or less on this topic, because I need show the comparisons between each Gospel to give the supporting evidence of the truth being revealed

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it's not 7 years of tribulation

The revealing of the 14 years tribulation


The understanding of the End Time years, that we call "The 14 Years" (7 twice). I said I would put it out in a short 30ish :) minutes format. And believe it or not I was able to...but it wasn't easy! Although, I'm starting to really enjoy putting these short teachings together. They're truly not easy to do and take a lot more work then the full length teachings

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The books are opening

The revealing of chapter to years


Today's teaching is, Part 3 of our Intro Series with study notes. I know, I know:)...the first two intro teachings I was able to keep to around 30 minutes long. But with this incredible revelation and the amount of scripture that needs to be covered to prove it clearly needed much more than 30 minutes

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The Truth revealed

It's ALL Because Of Matthew!


Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. This one is not only an update to The Differences and The Truth, but also a rewrite of almost all the books ever written on the "is to come", in the understanding of the End Time Revelation. This will bring complete truth, and the beginning of clarity and revelatory understanding that has been, unknowingly to the world, obscured by the Gospel of Matthew...

Teaching of scripture

The 40 Days of The Son of man! (Before the Tribulation)


Today's teaching is one that has been asked of me for a little now. I've taught on it in many ways before, but never a video as clear as possible dedicated only to the understanding of it? So today that's exactly what I do! And you'll come to find there are even more details in the revelation of it, then you thought you understood:)

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Not one piece of the puzzle out of place!

The Discourse"s" REVEALED


Hello Fourteeners, Brothers and Sisters. It's a long one today:) There's been a lot more revelation that has come about since the last time we dove into the Discourses. So I was looking forward to breaking them down again. Many finer points of detail have been added. And as has been the case of late. There's still a greater focus on the beginning of it all. Meaning, revealing greater detail about how it all begins in Luke's Discourse from the Escape, followed by the 40 days, and going into the beginning of the tribulation

Teaching of scripture

The DETAILED Tribulation Timeline


Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Alright, here it is! I know many have been waiting for the New Detailed Timeline Chart teaching, in full. So here it is. Now when I say, in full, I mean as much as can be covered in a somewhat reasonable timeframe... because the truth is we could break it all down from every connected scripture for days!

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Word of God

of the day

The Bible is inspired by God Himself! It is His Word, containing His wisdom, His goodness, His intentions, His judgements, His heart. Have you been so interested in understanding God’s will that you spend time with His very own Word?

July 27,2024

Hebrews 12:1

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset {us}, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

By Tricia Exman and Karina Laymen

For Freedom & Spiritual Growth

Stories and art are powerful tools that bypass our logical brains and reach us at deeper levels, making them incredibly transformative. For this reason, "Daisy Dresser's Miracle" and “Manny Motorcycle's Miracle” are written and illustrated as children’s books. Big changes in our souls require us to become as children. Each inspired story and journal will take you on a journey of discovery back to your truest true eternal self. The world needs the ‘youness’ only you can offer it. Embrace the biggest change in your life through these beautifully illustrated stories – fanciful stories of the false identities we accumulate trying to answer our deepest questions.

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This research paper focuses on the complete and exhaustive analysis of technological innovations related to the COVID-19 vaccine, the vaccination certificate and digital identification and its biblical and eschatological implication.

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The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

God’s children go through very trying seasons and often need wisdom and understanding of His ways in order to not lose hope, and for their faith to be built up. It is the heart of the Father that we minister to one another as one His Body. This blog is not just about the encouragement needed. It is also about wisdom and revelation. It is about prophecy and teaching of a more mature nature. You will find devotionals...

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The EdenQuest Life

For most, rest seems fleeting and something we occasionally “take” for ourselves. At our core we know a deeper rest exists that seems to evade us, yet we long for it. There is a rest available for the people of God, and Hebrews 4:9-11 admonishes us to labour to enter into it. What a paradox! This video series guides you into a rest that only comes from a deep, abiding union with the Lord. You're invited to take that journey. Let's get started!

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Give you life to Jesus

you saved

If you prayed that prayer, you are now a child of God. The things of your old life have passed away and He has made all things new.

Just open your heart pray these word

Jesus i believe You gave Your life for me.

I believe You paid the price for my sinful, unbelieving heart.

I confess that I am a sinner and ask You to forgive me for all I have done that is wrong in the eyes of the Father.

I surrender all of my life to You – I give You all of my life!

Lord Jesus, open my eyes and fill me with the Holy Spirit.

Pour into me the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Help me know the Father’s will for my life and give me the strength and courage to consume Your Words and live a righteous life.

I know that for this I was born, for this I will live.

In Your precious name, I pray.


See how to get saved here

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